Maintenance Notice

Welcome! Unfortunately our site is currently unavailable as we work to restore our backups from another host.

During this time the site will be inaccessible, however, this page will be updated as our work progresses.

We are also working to get our Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) game server up and running - further information on this will be mentioned on this page until such time as we get our forum restored and functional.

We appreciate your patience.

Posted: 06/10/2023 | Updated: 08/10/2023

Website & Game Server Updates #2
We have managed to get our hosting plan upgraded for the time being and hopefully this will help speed up the forum, game panel, game server ban & admin system restoration.

So long as we don't run into further issues as we continue efforts to restore functionality, the site should be up and running in the new few days.

We will have more updates on this soon.

We have restored our forum and game server panel. Now that is left is just configuring the game panel with the server containing the game server files.
Posted: 10/10/2023 01:45 PM | Updated: 10/10/2023 - 5:00 PM GMT

Website & Game Server Updates
So far we have successfully configured and set up our Linux VPS for a CS2 game server, however, due to some issues with Steam connection and OpenGamePanel it is taking some more time to complete.

The setup progress of our forum is currently halted, we can pay special thanks to our webhost for these issues.

We will have more updates on this soon.
Posted: 08/10/2023 01:50 AM GMT Protection Status